Custom Error Pages in Hosting
The personalized error pages feature is available with every hosting package that we offer and you will be able to replace all of the generic pages with your own with no more than a couple of clicks from your Hepsia website hosting Control Panel. You will have to develop the actual files and to upload them to your account, and then to set them for a specific domain or subdomain through the Hosted Domains section of the Hepsia Control Panel. You may do this for every single web site hosted in the account individually, so that each group of custom pages shall have the same design as the website it's part of. If necessary, you can always return back to a default page from our system or to a default Apache server page. A different way to set personalized error pages is to create an .htaccess file inside the domain/subdomain root folder and to add a few lines in it. If you never done this before, you may simply copy the required code from our Help article on the subject.
Custom Error Pages in Semi-dedicated Hosting
If you host your Internet sites in a semi-dedicated server account with us, you may set custom error pages for any of them easily via our in-house created Hepsia hosting Control Panel. With several clicks in the Hosted Domains section, you can modify the default setting from a system page to a customized one for each of the four error types. All you should do is provide a link to each file you have uploaded before that and then save the change. If needed, you shall be able to revert this customization whenever you want and in exactly the same way. If you want, you could use an .htaccess file too. It must be created/uploaded in the domain or subdomain folder linked to the internet site whose error pages you would want to alter and the content for this kind of file can be found in our Help article on this matter.