A cron job is an automated task, which performs a particular action - usually executing a script inside a hosting account. The task is scheduled, therefore it will run regularly - hourly, daily, weekly etc. There are numerous reasons to employ a cron job for your sites. For example, you may get day-to-day reports how many visitors have registered on your site, a temporary folder may be emptied automatically each and every week or a backup copy of your content may be made in a separate folder inside your website hosting account. Making use of cron jobs can help you with the administration of your sites as you're able to have numerous things carried out automatically and get reports about them, instead of spending valuable time and efforts to do them manually.

Cron Jobs in Hosting

The Hepsia Control Panel, which is included with all of our Linux hosting packages, will help you to set up cron jobs in several simple steps even if you have never used such a option before. After you log in and proceed to the Cron Jobs area where you're able to assign background tasks, you just need to paste the system access path to Perl, PHP or Python with respect to the script you'll execute, type the path in your account to the actual script file and then choose how often your cron job has to be carried out. For the aforementioned, you'll be able to use the standard mode and choose the minutes, hours, days, etc. through straightforward drop-down options, or if you are more experienced, you can take full advantage of the advanced mode and specify the time interval with numbers and asterisks i.e. the typical method which you may have employed with other Control Panels.

Cron Jobs in Semi-dedicated Hosting

You will be able to assign as many cron jobs as you need when you host your sites with a semi-dedicated server account from our company and it doesn't take more than a minute to do that. Unlike many other website hosting Control Panels where you have to enter commands and use numbers and asterisks on a single line in order to create a cron job, our Hepsia Control Panel features a user-friendly interface where you'll be able to decide how often a new cron has to be executed by using simple drop-down menus to select the hours, minutes, weekdays, etc. The two things that you will have to submit manually are the folder path to the script file that should be executed along with the command path to the programming language system files in the account (PHP. Perl, Python). You will be able to copy the aforementioned from the Server Information section of your hosting Control Panel, so it will not take you more than several clicks to set up a cron job in your semi-dedicated account.