There are numerous ways to direct a domain name to another domain or subdomain and one of them is by setting up a CNAME record. In case you own a domain name and you have set up a website through some on-line service which provides you with a service subdomain, you can easily link the two by creating a CNAME record for that directs to What you'll achieve as a result is that will be in the browser address bar while it opens the already mentioned site from the servers of the third-party company. You should know that if you set up a CNAME record, any other records your domain name may have will stop functioning, so you can't have both a CNAME record directing to one company and working email addresses with a different one. The CNAME record is always an alpha string, not a number, and in some cases more configuration may be required with the other company.

CNAME Records in Hosting

The Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which our company offers with each and every Linux hosting package, will permit you to set up CNAME records for every single domain address or subdomain hosted inside the account with several clicks. If you aren't certain how to go about it, you can check out the video tutorial available within the Control Panel, read the comprehensive Help article on the subject, or simply contact us and we will help you 24/7, although it is not likely you'll experience any issues as all it takes to set up a new CNAME record is to choose a domain/subdomain, enter the hostname you're pointing to, and save the modification. The new record is going to be fully active within the hour. Using CNAME records enables you to have better control over your domains and site content and our system is simple and user-friendly enough to allow individuals with no previous experience to set up this sort of records with ease.

CNAME Records in Semi-dedicated Hosting

The Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which comes with every one of our semi-dedicated server accounts, will enable you to create a CNAME record without difficulty. When you want to create a private URL for your emails, to point a domain to a subdomain in the account or to forward a domain to another company and use some third-party service that they provide, it won't require more than 3 mouse clicks to create this type of record. All DNS records for the domains and subdomains hosted in the semi-dedicated account are going to be listed in a separate section in the Control Panel, so once you are there, all you will have to do will be to pick the type of the record that you want to set up and the hostname for which you are creating it, and then input the actual record text. For your benefit, you can watch a short video inside the Control Panel regarding how to create a CNAME record or you can follow the instructions in the help article, that is available in the DNS records section.